What they said about themselves
Phoenix Games - Official Company Statement
- By SHLIM --
- Wednesday, 17 Oct, 2018
Here we will take a look at the Phoenix Games official statement of itself and how it changed over the years. We have taken the last official statement as published accross its website(s) and dates to the August 2008. Any edits or previous versions are also noted and date back to early 2003.
Phoenix Games Ahead of it's Time
Company Summary
Phoenix Games Ltd (UK)
Phoenix Games Ltd (Holland)
Phoenix Games Ltd is situated in the UK and is the head office and responsible for the marketing, sales and distribution of all Phoenix products.
Phoenix Games Ltd in Holland is responsible for the groups packaging, translation and production of all products as well as handling the sales and distribution in the Benelux market. They also maintain and develop the groups website
Block removed by 2006...
With a small elite team of 6* people specializing in licensing, marketing and publishing of value priced games, development and manufacturing are bundled through outsourcing and collaboration. This approach suppresses our fixed costs and enables a revolutionary low price strategy.
Phoenix Games (Holland) B.V. has established itself as an exclusive publisher without any internal development. With contacts now established with more than 50 development companies there is no other company in the European game industry that has dealings with so may development companies.***
We boast the shortest time required from development to product release in the industry. Ordinarily the average development period for a game is 18 months, whereas Phoenix need a mere 3-5 months. With integrated standards in production and packaging it is now possible to realize low costs through stabilization of variable costs and suppression of fixed costs. In the case of fixed costs we are suppressing development costs per product unit by maximizing the sales volume through a low cost strategy and also both diminishing advertising and promotional costs and maximizing operating profits by securing a dependable fan base through an identifying packaging of a series.
With long-term strategic partners based all over the world, Phoenix Games (Holland) B.V.* is perfectly situated to be able to recognise and effectively work with the challenges of price policy, competition, languages, region accessibility and most importantly, to ensure a profitable relationship with its distribution partners.
Phoenix Games (Holland) B.V.* has become the leading European publisher for Value Priced Games. To this end Phoenix has adopted for PS2, DS, Wii & PC ** formats, a completely different approach to product publishing and distribution. Phoenix aim is to bring quality product to the market at remarkable prices, thus maximising sales for the developers.
Phoenix Games aims to become the leading European publisher for Value Priced Games by Christmas 2003. The expertise of the staff the company has already assembled will insure that this goal is achieved. To this end Phoenix has adopted for PS2, XBox, PSOne & PC formats, a completely different approach to product publishing and distribution. Phoenix aim is to bring quality product to the market at remarkable prices, thus maximising sales for the developers.
Valid as of 2003
PSOne: £6.99, PS2: £8,99 & Xbox : £9.99*
PSOne: £6.99 - PS2: £7.99 - £8.99 - £12.99**
Sony PS2, Nintendo DS & Nintendo Wii***
The complete collection of premium budget product on these fast moving formats will be successfully sold through the many thousands of retail outlets offering quick turnover consumer goods where the general public does its everyday convenience shopping. Such as 24 hour stores, Newsagents, Garage Shops etc. marketing the ranges through these diverse outlets means they will get high exposure and this will result in high sales levels. Although the ranges will be sold at low retail prices (of £6.99, £7.99, £8.99 and £12.99 respectively,**), they will not be short on quality. The retail price points are incredibly competitive considering the quality of the content. This, together with eye catching packaging represents exceptional value for money.
All product packaging and manuals will be available in 6 different languages : English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish, a further feature to ensure international success. Projected sales in the first 12 months are expected to be between 4 and 5 million units worldwide.*
PC CD Rom Budget Range
Potential sales volume of software at this price point justifies the launch of this ground breaking product range. Never before has a large selection of PC CD-ROMs for Windows XP, 2000 and Vista** been available at such a low price. Studies show that the PC games market is now sufficiently mature to make this kind of budget range commercially viable and Phoenix has been rapidly acquiring quality content to include in this range. Phoenix is leading the way with budget products for the newer PC operating systems. Phoenix is leading the way with budget products for the newer XP and W2000 systems. In total 40 products will be released in 2003.*
How does Phoenix do it ?
Software Publishers are committing ever greater resources to an ever diminishing number of product releases. In commercial terms it is seem to be more prudent to invest money in the next Tomb Raider sequel than it is to invest in some new and speculative venture. Major corporations are solely geared to money making and sometimes lose grip of the nature of the creative enterprise in which they are engaged. The creators of original products are usually independent development companies that have a creative dream. Commercial success is important, but the product comes first and developers live or die by the quality of the product they create. More and more, the smaller developers are being taken over by large companies and there tends to be a vacuum between people who want to get involved in the games industry and people working on commercial products. The smaller developers have less chance to get their original new product to the market. This is the main strategy adopted by Phoenix, to give the smaller publishers their opportunity to launch their products at retail, with a high degree of success already assured.
Italian Company Statement
The Italian version of the company statement differentiated by having a peice about the distribution company DbLine. This changed in March 2007 when the site redirected to the italian version of the .com domain and contained a translation of the above statement.
Phoenix Games has built long-term relationships between independent developers and publishers to cope with the global expansion of leading video game production companies. Most publishers focus their efforts on a small number of key products and follow the most successful titles, Phoenix's mission is to facilitate the placement of the product developed by independent companies in the global market.
The Phoenix Games structure:
1. Phoenix Games Ltd (UK)
2. Phoenix Games B.V. (Holland)
Phoenix Games Ltd is located in the United Kingdom and is responsible for marketing, sales and distribution of all Phoenix products. Phoenix Games B.V. in the Netherlands he deals with the graphic design of the packaging, the location and production of all the titles in the catalog. A very small team of professionals and high skills allow Phoenix Games to reduce fixed costs and adopt an absolutely revolutionary low price policy.
Phoenix Games Ltd is located in the United Kingdom and is responsible for marketing, sales and distribution of all Phoenix products. Phoenix Games B.V. in the Netherlands he deals with the graphic design of the packaging, the location and production of all the titles in the catalog. A very small team of professionals and high skills allow Phoenix Games to reduce fixed costs and adopt an absolutely revolutionary low price policy.
Db-Line is an independent distributor born in 1991 starting from a deep knowledge in the electronic entertainment sector combined with a highly innovative distribution concept. Over the years, Db-Line has become increasingly important, constantly expanding its offer on the Trade channel. Db-Line operates throughout the country offering a vast availability of references ready for delivery for everything related to software and hardware intended for Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo platforms. Added to this are a careful selection of the best PC titles and the exclusive distribution of the "Snap" and "Joytech" accessory lines, the world's leading manufacturer of compatible console peripherals. Db-Line is the only relevant structure in the Italian videogame distribution that operates through a professional tele-sales service together with an advanced B2B customized information system (created by the same Db-Line). This system operates according to the particular needs of dealers managing information, availability, assortment and evasion of the requested products. This has allowed the achievement of a fundamental strategic business objective that is realized in the complete self-sufficiency of the dealer in its operational management with Db-Line. The company website dedicated to e-Commerce (http://shop.dbline.it) is in fact the only 100% operative in this market. All this is for the benefit of small and medium-sized dealers but also of large-scale retailers who are in a dialogue with an efficient and technologically advanced partner. The success of Db-Line is realized in commercial services and unique initiatives, such as the online payment system with credit card for the dealer, or the "Rental" service, which offers, for the first time to all operators of the sector, the ability to purchase console video games legally intended for hire. This "modus operandi", added to the total robotic automation of the warehouse, makes Db-Line the undisputed leader in On-Line procurement in the Italian Videogames market.
La struttura di Phoenix Games:
1. Phoenix Games Ltd (UK)
2. Phoenix Games B.V. (Holland)
Phoenix Games Ltd è situata nel Regno Unito ed è responsabile del marketing, delle vendite e della distribuzione di tutti i prodotti Phoenix. Phoenix Games B.V. in Olanda si occupa della realizzazione grafica del packaging, della localizzazione e della produzione di tutti i titoli del catalogo. Un team di professionisti molto ridotto ed elevate competenze permettono a Phoenix Games di ridurre i costi fissi ed adottare una politica di prezzi bassi assolutamente rivoluzionaria.
Db-Line è un distributore indipendente che nasce nel 1991 partendo da una profonda conoscenza nel settore dell'intrattenimento elettronico unita ad una concezione fortemente innovativa di distribuzione. Nel corso degli anni Db-Line si afferma in modo sempre più significativo, ampliando costantemente la propria offerta sul canale Trade. Db-Line opera su tutto il territorio nazionale offrendo una vastissima disponibilità di referenze in pronta consegna per tutto ciò che riguarda il software e l'hardware destinato alle piattaforme Microsoft, Sony e Nintendo. A questo si aggiungono una selezione accurata dei migliori titoli per PC e la distribuzione in esclusiva delle linee di accessori "Snap" e "Joytech", marchi leader nel mondo nella produzione di periferiche compatibili per console. Db-Line è l'unica struttura rilevante nel panorama italiano della distribuzione videoludica che opera attraverso un servizio professionale di tele-sales unitamente ad un evoluto sistema informativo personalizzato B2B (creato dalla stessa Db-Line). Questo sistema opera in funzione delle particolari esigenze dei dealer gestendo informazioni, disponibilità, assortimento ed evasione dei prodotti richiesti. Ciò ha permesso il raggiungimento di un fondamentale obiettivo strategico aziendale che si concretizza nella completa autosufficienza del dealer nella sua gestione operativa con Db-Line. Il sito aziendale dedicato all'e-Commerce ( http://shop.dbline.it ) è infatti l'unico operativo al 100% in questo mercato. Tutto questo è a vantaggio dei dealer di piccole e medie dimensioni ma anche della GDO che si trovano a dialogare con un solo partner efficiente e per di più tecnologicamente evoluto. Il successo di Db-Line si concretizza in servizi commerciali ed iniziative uniche, come il sistema di pagamento on-line con carta di credito per il dealer, o il servizio "Rental" ,che offre, per la prima volta a tutti gli operatori del settore, la possibilità di acquistare videogiochi per console legalmente destinati al noleggio. Questo "modus operandi", aggiunto alla totale automazione robotizzata del magazzino, fa di Db-Line il leader incontrastato nell'approvvigionamento On-Line nel mercato Videogames italiano.
Additional Info
Until April 2005 the Italian domain listed this info on the front page. After that date it redirected to the italian section of the .com domain.
Phoenix Games and Db-Line announce the new Super Budget lines PS2 and PS1. With a retail price of just € 13.90 (PS2 line) and just € 9.90 (PSone line) they are currently the cheapest lines in all of Europe. All the titles presented by Phoenix Games and Db-Line are new productions unlike other publishers who offer only old games at an economic price. The Phoenix Games and Db-Line proposal is constantly renewed. All new releases are available in the PS1 BUDGET and PS2 BUDGET sections.
Phoenix Games e Db-Line annunciano le nuove linee Super Budget PS2 e PS1. Con un prezzo al pubblico di soli 13,90 € (linea PS2) e soli 9,90 € (linea PSone) sono attualmente le linee più economiche in tutta Europa. Tutti i titoli presentati da Phoenix Games e Db-Line sono nuove produzioni a differenza di altri editori che offrono a prezzo economico solo vecchi giochi. La proposta di Phoenix Games e Db-Line si rinnova continuamente. Tutte le nuove uscite sono consultabili nelle sezioni PS1 BUDGET e PS2 BUDGET.
6* - During 2006 it stated 5 people. Previously stated 6.
Projected sales in the first 12 months are expected to be between 4 and 5 million units worldwide.* - Line removed by 2005.
Phoenix is leading the way with budget products for the newer XP and W2000 systems. In total 40 products will be released in 2003.* - Line removed in 2005.
(Holland) B.V.* - Added 2006.
2000 and Vista** - Originally read "and 2000", changed by final submission.
PSOne: £6.99, PS2: £8,99 & Xbox : £9.99* - Line valid 2003 - 2006.
PSOne: £6.99 - PS2: £7.99 - £8.99 - £12.99** - Line valid 2006 - 2007.
Sony PS2, Nintendo DS & Nintendo Wii*** - Added on final submission.
(of £6.99, £7.99, £8.99 and £12.99 respectively,**) - Line valid from 2006 - removed by final submission. Originally read "£6.99, £8.99 and £9.99 respectively" until 2006.
Sony PS2, Nintendo DS & Nintendo Wii*** - Added on final submission.
PS2, DS, Wii & PC ** - Originally read "PS2, PSone & PC".
Italic*** - Paragraph removed in 2007.