An undocumented PS2 game
Flower Fever - PS2
- By SHLIM --
- Saturday, 05 Dec, 2020
In early 2008 Phoenix Games released a game called Iron Chef on the PS2. This was a Burger Time clone which consisted of climbing platforms in order to knock various food items to the lower levels and into a basked found at the bottom of the screen. Its a simplistic yet decent game and one that Phoenix found some success in sales with. Because of this they planned on releasing a reskinned version titled Flower Fever that was sceduled to be released in the UK on the 28th of November 2008.
The level designs in Flower Fever were the same as Iron chef and all assets were redesigned giving the game a different look while retaining the exact same playability. In this version, the player is to knock flowers into the baskets instead of food items.
The game was finished in development and was due to be released along side 4 other games that never made it to see the light of day (these will be covered in later articles). Its unsure if the game was ever submitted for a european rating but its worth noting that no cover art was ever designed for this title. It was developed by Cyberplanet Interactive though its thought that the game would of been released as being developed in-house by Phoenix Games due to them stating the same with the PS2 version of Iron Chef. Cyber Planet released all their games on PC format aswel, but no release for Flower Fever can be found, so it seems it was cancelled across all platforms.
Its unsure why this game was cancelled, but there are a few possible reasons. It was scheduled as one of the final 5 PS2 games to be released by Phoenix. Over the course of 2008 it was pushed back several times until the final (28/11/08) date had passed and no more of it would ever be mentioned again on the UK website. It did however receive a new release date for Spanish territories (27/03/09) but again, this date passed, and no further mention of the game would ever be seen again.
During November 2008 Phoenix released several other games that were previously delayed so it would be probable that Flower Fever could of ended up as a 2009 release, but based on the low sales of PS2 games they cancelled all further releases for the system & concentrated on releasing games for the Nintendo DS, PC & Wii through 2009 instead.
Like Iron Chef, Flower Fever would of been a decent game to play, and its RRP was set to be just £6.99 so i think it would of been another successful game for Phoenix. But unfortunately, it drifted into vapourware until now! Sadly no gameplay footage exists of the game, but luckily we do have the screenshots shown in this thread so we can at least see what the game looked like in action.
And that concludes the end of this post. As far as i can tell, this is the first time the game has been mentioned online since it was announced in 2008. This is just 1 of many other undocumented games ill be unveiling over the upcoming weeks, so please stay tuned.